Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Open the New Door

We have said goodbye to 2007. It was a year of change for me on several levels.

Emotionally, I took important steps in having victory over depression. I have begun to understand why I was depressed and know that it is something I will deal with the rest of my life because of my genetic wiring. I learned being depressed does not necessarily mean that you are insane nor does it have to define who I am as a person. This in itself was freeing because it took away a lot of shame I felt because I was depressed.

Spiritually, I have grown in my personal realationship with God. This renewal comes from knowing that even though I suffer from depression, God loves me and still can use me in HIs Kingdom. I realized that He allow medication to be made that levels out the chemicals in my brain. I see in God a new freedom that has restored me greatly.

Physically, we have moved to a new home that has lessened stress for me. God has brought us to a quiet place where we are surrounded by his handiwork. We enjoy so much of our Llfe here. Our granchildren like being able to run and play here. Our children seem to enjoy the peacefulness of our home as well.

So much has changed for the better here and I feel that we are where God desires us to be. I am ready to open the door to the new year and step into the unknown. I know by placing my hand in God's hand, I will find adventure, joy, peace and of course change. By placing my hand in His, I am trusting that He will lead me where I need to be and will keep once He gets me there.

I do not just intend to open it slowly and peek: My intent is to fling the door open wide and receive all that God has prepared for me and my husband. I rejoice for the blessings He has for my children and grandchildren.

Another year,another part of the Plan is revealed to us by God

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