Friday, October 24, 2008

I Love Texas Falls

This fall has been extra special to me. I have enjoyed the local wildlife more than usual. We have been so blessed to witness nature at her best.

The mornings have been crisp and cool. The sunsets have been extremely colorful at the end of the day. The nights have been so beautiful. The dark skies of Norse have allowed us to view the planets and stars at their most visible. The nights are so peaceful.

During the days, at various intervals,skies are filled with the sound of wild geese traveling south for the winter. It is a blessing to looking up into the sky and see them in their V formations traveling so gracefully against the clear blue sky. Often at night fall seeing them land on local ponds for a rest.

The deer have gotten so use to seeing us around our home that they no longer run from us. They will lay in our yard near cedar trees and watch us as we go about our business. There is a trust of sorts that we will not bother them. The cotton tail rabbits and jack rabbits accept our old fruit; but still run if we approach them.

An old raccoon is thankful for the fruit and vegetables we leave for him; but like the rabbits is not sure of us yet. The local birds come for seed that we have for their benefit as well as enjoying the little water fountain we have for water. There are several Cardinals that are a wonderful scarlet red this years.

If you have not guessed, I consider these days and wildlife as gifts from the hand of God. Watching the wildlife in itself brings peace to one's soul and mind. Seeking God among His creations allows me to be still and ready to listen not just ramble in speech; but to actually sit still and listen.

After 54 years of life, I still find that God can amaze me as much as He could when I was a child. I find myself willing to learn and thankful that there is so much yet to learn. I feel so hopeful and believe that blessings will be revealed in the day ahead: the prayers I pray to be answered in ways that one might know that only the hand of God could have done it.

1 comment:

Brian and Becca said...

sounds beautiful, glad we can witness it sometimes too, thank you!