Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Been thinking

Lately, I have been thinking about King David and his life. He was known as the "Apple of God's Eye". For someone so loved by our Father and Creator, this man went through a lot. He experienced depression, betrayal and great loss.

He was the youngest of Jesse's boys: he had a gentle spirit with a warrior's heart. David was a man of great faith: he trusted that God had a plan for his life and it was good. David was a man who served under a harsh jealous King who accused him of things that David did not do. When he was King, there were those again who were jealous and coveted all David had. They sought to destroy him.

One thing about David, he remain constant in his faith. He believed that if he strayed, like a good Father, God would point out his sin and give him the choice of whether to repent or to harden his heart. Because of his relationship with God, David quickly chose to repent and surrender himself to the mercies of God.

David knew that it was "better to spend one day in the courts of God than a thousand else where". He knew that God's mercies were great and renewed with every dawn. He knew that man was not by nature a merciful being that man would seek revenge or destruction of another.

When he stood up to the Giant. He was certain that he was doing what God required of him. When he played the harp to soothe King Saul, he knew this was where God wanted him. When he danced with great joy before the Lord, he knew this was how God wanted him to enter into His courts: dancing and with great praise. When he chose not to slay King Saul, he knew that God would show him the same mercy. When Nathan spoke to him about his sins, David knew immediately that God wanted him to come in repentance, so he ran and threw himself on the horn of the altar.

Because of the love that David and God shared, David knew that God was always present. David knew that God knew him ever so intimately. Because of this all the days of his life he held fast to God and His word. Even in loneliness, sorrow, depression and confusion of old age, David knew that God had not forsaken Him.

I ask myself: Do I have faith like David to believe that no matter where I am or what I am going through, God is present? Am I willing to run to the altar and hang on until I get a word from God about my life? Am I willing to fight the Giants in my life simply because I know that this is what God says to do? Am I willing to show mercy to someone who has hurt me deeply and seeks to destroy me?

If I cannot answer yes to all of these questions today, I pray that God will be patient with me and guide me to the place where I can answer yes.

1 comment:

Brian and Becca said...

oooh, but it's hard now! :)