Sunday, August 3, 2008

What is it that I am to learn?

This past week, my husband broke his right leg. He has several fractures on the tibia and fibula above the ankle.

For a man who thinks working at his computer while sitting in a chair is resting, so far it has be real tough. Willie is the type of guy when he sleeps he makes lists for the next day ! He is a very social person and enjoys having fellowship with those who like doing the same things as he does. In fact, this guy just enjoys people and soon after meeting someone, he can add them to a list of ever growing friends.

As a Preacher's Kid, he moved several times in his youth, acquiring the skill of making friend quickly. He enjoys learning about new a different things and will research subjects until he gets a good idea what they are all about. He is a good friend that is loyal and willing to go the extra mile to help another.

His greatest joy however, is his family. Willie is very proud of his children and absolutely adores his grandchildren. He is often sharing with them various experiences and encouraging them to learn from life, as well as the fact, one should never stop learning.

God allows us to be put into a place or situations sometimes that requires us to learn something new. Willie might be learning how to slow down and rest a little. But what is it that I am to learn?

I believe it is to learn how to be cheerful as I serve him ( or anyone): how to express not only my love as I care for him; but to express the love of Jesus toward him as well.

I am to pray for his healing not because i am tired but because it will relieve his pain. I am to seek his comfort and realize that as I comfort him, God is adding to our relationship a new area of trust that will last us through our old age. Everyday, I learn patience and realize that God has chosen to use Willie to work them in me at this time. I am learning that when I pray to be more like Jesus, opportunities open up for me to experience the chance to learn how to serve and do it joyfully.

Please pray for Willie to be healed so that he might continue in the things that bring him joy and for me be a better servant: one who finds joy in the opportunities that God place before her.

1 comment:

Tressa said...

We are praying...for the BOTH of you!! We sure cant count on God to teach us something new, cant we?!

I like how your challenged to find what you're to learn. You could've missed the grande opportunity to be refined!

Im also challenged to not only serve and love those around just because I care, but to also express the love of Jesus toward them! WOW! Its one of the greatest commandments!

Thanks for your post. I love to read whats going on in your heart. :)