Sunday, December 2, 2007

Prayer and David

Today at lunch, David began to sing a prayer song that he,Will and Dylan have learned at Mothers'Day Out.

With great joy in his heart, David began singing: "God, Our Father, God, Our Father, once 'a genny', once 'a genny", we bow I heads and thank you..."

I thought how sweet that he would sing with such happiness to the Lord for his lunch. For those who do not speak four year old: "a genny" is again.

He reminded me that we should seek the kingdom of God as a child filled with expectations that it was going to be good and have a heart that is grateful for all that we have been given from the hand of God.

1 comment:

Brian and Becca said...

That's my sweet "smookedy-smook". He is really growing up :)